Thursday, November 21, 2013

Healthy Before the Holidays!

Healthy Holiday Tips from Boston Magazine:

Watch the toppings: “Gravy, sauces, dressings, and dips can add up quickly. Be mindful and don’t overdo it on the toppings. When it comes to dressings try to stick to the vinaigrettes and avoid anything that looks creamy,” Hefez says.

Wear something form fitting: “Not only will you show off your body, but it will help prevent you from taking seconds,” she says.

Order on the rocks: “Adding ice to your cocktail or liquor will encourage you to drink more slowly,” she says. “When the ice melts it will create more liquid and make you feel as though you are drinking more.”

Go for the real dessert: “Homemade dessert are best. Avoid the store bought cookies and cakes or low fat/fat free desserts which can contain a lot of fillers, preservatives, and fake ingredients. Go for the homemade treats which will be more satisfying and leave you more content with a smaller serving,” she says.

I always go on Pinterest to get inspiration for healthy meals, here are a few of my favorite :) We only have 33 days until Christmas let us help you with gifts! Eliminate stress eating around the holidays get started on your shopping early!


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